
{First 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com

Last week I saw in "La 2" a documentary about google that showed this URL

{First 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com

There are a few ways to obtain the number which forms the part that browsers don't normally understand:

1- Use google to find the solution previously calculated by another one.

2- Use yahoo to find the solution previously calculated by another one.

3- Test every possible 10 digit number

4- Make a program to make the calculation.

Those people who know me well enough, know which option I prefer, it is 5, yes, yes, it's 5.

5- Option 4, but calculating e on my own.

So here is the program (with GPLv3 license), to run it you'll need jre5.0 or later. Run the following command:

java -jar first10digitprimeE.jar

The solution 7427466391.com

the source code in first10digitprimeE.zip

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