
Evolving the Java Language (by Neal Gafter)

You must watch this vídeo from infoq

Neil Gafter

"Neal Gafter discusses language changes being developed for the JDK7; their interactions, how they are conditioned upon pre-existing language design choices, and how they influence"


Oracle To Buy Sun

Good news? Bad news? Or just news? Time will tell. Any way Sun will be finally acquired by Oracle (not by IBM). The announcement is here and ofcourse all over the Internet.


Ellison’s Law of Cryptography and Usability - Ley de Ellison de Criptografía y Usabilidad

Ellison’s Law of Cryptography and Usability

The userbase for strong cryptography declines by half with every additional keystroke or mouseclick required to make it work.

Ley de Ellison de Criptografía y Usabilidad

El número de usuarios de criptografía fuerte disminuye a la mitad con cada pulsación de teclado o click de ratón adicional necesarios para que funcione.

FindRepe 0.3.0 - verbose and symlinks options

FindRepe version 0.3.0 adds two new options: verbose (for future use) and symlinks to follow symlinks.

-v, --verbose increase verbosity

-s --symlinks follow symlinks

Some kind of cyclic links detection are implemented, "if the link points to one of the parents it's ignored", some more should be implemented in later versions.

Not readable directorys are ignored, because they can't be followed.

Not readable files are ignored because they can't be readed to compare.

-Download findrepe-0.3.0.zip

-Decompress it using the command

unzip findrepe-0.3.0.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands

java -jar findrepe-0.3.0/FindRepe.jar --install

java -jar findrepe-0.3.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home

sudo java -jar findrepe-0.3.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:

findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:

findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src


Clarke’s Third Law - Tercera ley de Clarke

Clarke’s Third Law

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Tercera ley de Clarke

Cualquier tecnología suficientemente avanzada es indistinguible de la magia.


FindRepe 0.2.0 - install options

FindRepe version 0.2.0 comes with a new group of options to install a launcher for GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and Windows XP, that lets users run without typing java command.

--install install a launcher

--install-java[=path] install a launcher using 'java' command

--install-home[=path] install a launcher using 'java.home' property

In GNU/Linux and OpenSolaris the launcher will be created in /usr/bin/ or in the user directory depending on the user used to run it. If root (or sudo) is used the launcher is created in /usr/bin/ so all users will be allowed to use it. If a normal user is used, the launcher is created in the user directory.

Select your preferred flavor. Mine is --install-home, because findrepe gets the java command from the one used to run, so henceforth that java version will be used to run findrepe.

-Download findrepe-0.2.0.zip

-Decompress it using the command

unzip findrepe-0.2.0.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands

java -jar findrepe-0.2.0/FindRepe.jar --install

java -jar findrepe-0.2.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home

sudo java -jar findrepe-0.2.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:

findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:

findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src

Copying Files with rsync

Have you ever tried to copy some files, then you stop it, or it just crash because there is not enough space or you just give up for a better moment? Then you have to copy again all files, so you wasted a lot of time and CPU cycles. Today Commandline 101 of LinuxJournal introduce you briefly to rsync, ideal for those situations. Sorry for those windows users, change to any GNU/Linux or other unix flavor :-)


Google App Engine - Early Look at Java Language Support

After almost a year watting for it, here is the Early Look of the Java version of the Google App Engine

I tried python but I don't like it at all, but now java is here so this is my first "Not a HelloWorld" :-) you can play it here

As you can see, "Java App Engine" = "Java6+Linux". I love Java and I love GNU/Linux, so I love it double!!! :-)

Not A HelloWord, just a Java Properties List
Available Processors:1337
-- listing properties --
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.

java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.

Update:I have updated it with Available Processors:1337

1337 processors available!!!


Corollary to Brook’s Law - Colorario de la Ley de Brook

Corollary to Brook’s Law

The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned.

Colorario de la Ley de Brook

La gestación de un niño dura nueve meses, no importa cuantas mujeres se asignen a la tarea.

FindRepe 0.1.1 (issue 2 fixed)

The second issue (issue 2) reported for findrepe has been fixed and released.

-Download findrepe-0.1.1.zip

FindRepe 0.1.0 - added --min-size and --max-size options

FindRepe version 0.1.0 has been released, with two new options:

-m --min-size=size minimum file size[bkmgt], exclude shorters
-M --max-size=size maximun file size[bkmgt], exclude largers

size units:

b bytes (defaul)
k kilobytes (1024 bytes) g gigabytes (1024 megabytes)
m megabytes (1024 kilobytes) t terabytes (1024 gigabytes)

So now you can filter by size those files you will scan for duplicity

-Download findrepe-0.1.0.zip

unzip findrepe-0.1.0.zip

java -jar FindRepe.jar [options] Directories

-Show help
java -jar FindRepe.jar -h

-Show license
java -jar FindRepe.jar -L

-Search in e:\movies and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d e:\movies

-Search in c:\ and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d c:\

-Search in c:\ for files between 16KB and 16MB
java -jar FindRepe.jar -m 16k -M16m c:\

-You can also use others common parameter flavors

java -jar FindRepe.jar -min-size16k -max-size 16m c:\

java -jar FindRepe.jar -min-size=16k --max-size16m c:\

java -jar FindRepe.jar --min-size 16k --max-size=16m c:\


BuscarDuplicados 1 - FindRepe 1

Como dije en una entrada anterior mi amiguete juanlu hizo en 15 minutos un programa en VisualBasic que vencía al mío, con sus datos en su máquina. Hoy ha hecho uno en Java (también visual) con el mismo algoritmo y ha mejorado la anterior en un 20% (para que luego digan que java es lento).

Pero esta vez (como es en java) he podido compararlos, en mi máquina el mío es más rápido con mis datos, después de varias pasadas sobre el directorio de netbeans (para cargar el caché de disco) el mío tarda 1.6 segundos el suyo 15 segundos.

Salvado mi honor de programador, a ver si se anima a una competición, como un partidillo de pachanga pero entre programadores :-)

FindRepe 0.0.3 (issue 1 fixed)

The first issue (issue 1) reported for findrepe is fixed and released. This won't run in version 0.0.2

java -jar FindRepe.jar c:\

but now version 0.0.3 will do the job.

-Download findrepe-0.0.3.zip

unzip findrepe-0.0.3.zip

java -jar FindRepe.jar [options] Directories

-Show help
java -jar FindRepe.jar -h

-Show license
java -jar FindRepe.jar -L

-Search in e:\movies and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d e:\movies

-Search in c:\ and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d c:\