
How to install android sdk in /opt for everyone in GNU/Linux

I'm reinstalling everything in my current desktop computer (epi) (I use the alphabet to name them, like hurricanes, althought it has some more letter inside). I'm installing android SDK and I like it installed on /opt, so I downloaded it and unpacked using tar, mv, chown, ... then I got stuck when excution/search permits (x) was only for owners. Then using man chmod I found a way to do it the right way.

cd /opt

sudo tar xvzf /home/franci/Downloads/android-sdk_r21.1-linux.tgz

sudo chmod +r -R android-sdk-linux/

sudo chmod +X -R android-sdk-linux/

the new thing (I didn't know before reading chmod man page) is +X, it says to chmod to expand execution/search attribute if one of the three groups have it.

Now everyone can use it.

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