
FindRepe 0.7.0 - EN

In version 0.7.0, FindRepe has been reimplemented (partially) using pipelines, a programming structure (of my own) based on Actors (Actor Model) implemented in the Fantom language flavor (but of course in java). It also has new options: min-wasted, size, focus, focus-dir, focus-file, dir, file, regex, wildcard, bug, bug-fix, old, and fix issues 5 and 10.

  • min-wasted with this option you can ignore groups of repeated files wasting less than N bytes, so you can save the effort (in time) if it won't save enouth space on disk.

  • size shows the rounded size of files

  • focus focus on a path, ignoring groups not having an item on path, useful when you want to clean only some directories or you want to find where did you put those other copies of pics from last summer, ...

  • focus-dir focus based on parent directories names

  • focus-file focus based on file names

  • dir only files with a parent directory name.

  • file only files with a file name.

  • regex uses regular expresions for pattern names (java ones).

  • wildcard uses wildcard expresions for pattern names (by default).

  • bug shows files that java can't handle due a bug with non-unicode names

  • bug-fix fix non-unicode names

  • old old algorithm, do not use this option, just for developers

Another minor changes are:

  • You can use all and none when deleting to mark/unmark all items

  • Read only files have an "r"

  • If a file can't be deleted you will be informed

  • Options with patterns now recognize Wildcards and Regular Expressions

-Download findrepe-0.7.1.zip

-Decompress it using the command
unzip findrepe-0.7.1.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands
java -jar findrepe-0.7.1/FindRepe.jar --install
java -jar findrepe-0.7.1/FindRepe.jar --install-home
sudo java -jar findrepe-0.7.1/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:
findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:
findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src

(Versión en Español)

Update: updated to version 0.7.1

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