
picbulk 0.0.1

Today I'm releasing the first public version of picbulk, a project with few years (but only since few days with that name, before it was picasaupload).

This project born as a solution to the problem of a massive upload of pics to picasa, this was an easy task only (of course) in windows. Due I'm a GNU/Linux user at home (ubuntu recently), the task of upload images was tedious ( 5 by 5, selected one by one). Doing it for hundreds or even thousands seems unapproachable to me. Hopefully google brings APIs for java, and other languajes for their services, so I made a program only for me.

In the last moths I have added an option to shrink the size while uploading (the space is not infinite), and in the last week to send by email instead of picasa.

Today I'm releasing the first version plagued of bugs y errors, but I hope it will be useful to some users.

download here

some examples:

java -jar PicBulk.jar --install
sudo java -jar PicBulk.jar --install
sudo /opt/jdk1.6/bin/java -jar PicBulk.jar --install-home
sudo /opt/jdk1.6/bin/java -jar PicBulk.jar --install-posix
picbulk --shrink=1024 weekend weekend/2009-12-29
picbulk --shrink=800 kyten c:\backup\weekend\2009-12-29
picbulk --to=friend@example.com --shrink=1024 party c:\backup\pics
picbulk --cc=friend@example.com --saveconf party c:\backup\pics
picbulk --bcc=friend@example.com --loadconf party c:\backup\pics

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