
FindRepe 0.4.0 - noautoexclude and exclude options

New version 0.4.0 of FindRepe, the options --noautoexclude and --exclude were added to not automatically exclude certain directories and to exclude some paths. Some minor changes handling errors were made. Some changes have been made too in order to minimize changes in code when adding new options.

--noautoexclude don't autoexclude some paths (/dev, /proc, ...)

--exclude=path don't follow path

exclude option may be used more than once.

findrepe -ns /

findrepe -ns --exclude /opt --exclude=/backup /

  • /dev will be excluded in some posix systems (linux, solaris, ...)

  • /proc will be excluded in linux and solaris

  • /sys will be excluded in linux

  • /devices will be excluded in solaris

Errors while reading files will be better handled (detected only in windows), the file will be considered not equal to any other file.

-Download findrepe-0.4.0.zip

-Decompress it using the command

unzip findrepe-0.4.0.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands

java -jar findrepe-0.4.0/FindRepe.jar --install

java -jar findrepe-0.4.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home

sudo java -jar findrepe-0.4.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:

findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:

findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src

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