
FindRepe 0.1.0 - added --min-size and --max-size options

FindRepe version 0.1.0 has been released, with two new options:

-m --min-size=size minimum file size[bkmgt], exclude shorters
-M --max-size=size maximun file size[bkmgt], exclude largers

size units:

b bytes (defaul)
k kilobytes (1024 bytes) g gigabytes (1024 megabytes)
m megabytes (1024 kilobytes) t terabytes (1024 gigabytes)

So now you can filter by size those files you will scan for duplicity

-Download findrepe-0.1.0.zip

unzip findrepe-0.1.0.zip

java -jar FindRepe.jar [options] Directories

-Show help
java -jar FindRepe.jar -h

-Show license
java -jar FindRepe.jar -L

-Search in e:\movies and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d e:\movies

-Search in c:\ and delete duplicates
java -jar FindRepe.jar -d c:\

-Search in c:\ for files between 16KB and 16MB
java -jar FindRepe.jar -m 16k -M16m c:\

-You can also use others common parameter flavors

java -jar FindRepe.jar -min-size16k -max-size 16m c:\

java -jar FindRepe.jar -min-size=16k --max-size16m c:\

java -jar FindRepe.jar --min-size 16k --max-size=16m c:\

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