
FindRepe 0.9.0 - EN

Now in version 0.9.0, FindRepe can search within zips and jars using options --zip and --zip-only. Option --verbose finally has been implemented, in previous versions this option was a dummy option.

Option --zip has a bug, due a bug in the last "Apache Commons Compress" stable release, it can cause an infinite loop in some buggy zips. This bug has been fixed but hasn't been released yet.

-Decompress it using the command
unzip findrepe-0.9.0.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands
java -jar findrepe-0.9.0/FindRepe.jar --install
java -jar findrepe-0.9.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home
sudo java -jar findrepe-0.9.0/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:
findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:
findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src

(Versión en Español)

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