
FindRepe 0.6.2

Version 0.6.2 of FindRepe adds support for install options in Mac OS X, and --install-posix option to support installation in unknown posix operating systems.

-Download findrepe-0.6.2.zip

-Decompress it using the command

unzip findrepe-0.6.2.zip

-Install the launcher with one of the following commands

java -jar findrepe-0.6.2/FindRepe.jar --install

java -jar findrepe-0.6.2/FindRepe.jar --install-home

sudo java -jar findrepe-0.6.2/FindRepe.jar --install-home=/opt/jdk1.6

-Play and enjoy it with

Windows users:

findrepe c:\ e:\

GNU/Linux, OpenSolaris and any other unix flavor users:

findrepe /backup/mp3 /backup/src

P.S.: thanks to andunix for feedback :-)

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